Caligraphist Produces Sounds of Brazil In "The Wave"

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Caligraphist is an eclectic London based producer and songwriter. Growing up, he listened to 90's R&B, UK Pirate radio, Radiohead and Jazz records. By taking a musical hiatus, the Caligraphist feels more connected to music -- by being able to put more life into it. "The Wave" was inspired by a trip to Brazil and was a gift to his father, who recently passed away earlier this year. It appears to be a "thank you" for being so supportive of his music. Cali is currently working on a project set to release later in the year.
"The Wave" is a combination of smooth and calming soundscapes. After multiple plays, the mellowness can put you to ease. The mix of melodic ambiance sounds create a chill vibe. This is something you could listen to study or clear your mind.. maybe even fall asleep. It's like Caligraphy took the sounds in the streets of Rio and put it into an instrumental.  When all the sound progressions come together at the end, you have a mixture of pure mellow, bliss. At the end, the chimes fading off remind you of a summer breeze at the beach, while listening to the sound of crashing waves.
This is definitely going in my study instrumental playlist.

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