Ful-Metal Gets Errie in "+PinkAKilla"

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Killa, killa, that +PinkAKilla, I'm Goku with your boo, Majin Buu killa.

Ful-Metal is a 22-year-old upcoming artist from Virginia. He was born and raised in Harlem, New York. He began producing for local artists in the 757 area, then pursued videography and photography on the side. Being multi-talented, Metal decided to combine these skills in his artistry -- he used Tumblr as a platform to promote music with models and photography; this gave him the edge for his first single "Adult Swim".

 Since then, Ful-Metal has earned recognition from models including Ella Hussle from Father's "Yung Hot Ebony")( and yes, that's "Look at Wrist" Father. ),  TrishNora, and even some thumbs up on production from fellow rappers like Keith Ape.  Since then, he began making a record group called "[Alter+User Records] with his artists Keffe Chino & A$H Catch'em.
+PinkAKilla One of the most catchy songs that you will never forget, this single refers “SEX" to “Computer Viruses”.Yes.. something not commonly referred to but will be understood once you take a listen.
  • Ful-Metal, on describing "+PinkAKilla"
+PinkAKilla was self-produced and contains no samples.  It's a perfect combination of Trap and R&B. The piano accents matched with his vocals, create a shadowy atmosphere. The hook will be something that sticks with you.

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