Ellis Martin's Pornotopia EP Challenges Societal Norms

[embed]https://soundcloud.com/ellis-martin-music/sets/pornotopia-ep[/embed]Ellis Martin is a pop artist who grew up in Southside, Chicago. His newest five track project, Pornotopia EP was co-produced by Wondaland's Jidenna. You might know Jidenna from his single Classic Man. Growing up, Martin listened to Motown and Doo-Wop; therefore he describes himself as an "old man trapped in a young body". In a sense, this work incorporates issues ranging from child abuse to divorce rates to create an interesting EP.  For example the fifth song, Maxamillian, focuses on an abusive business man, who is obsessed with children. The underlying message is to end child abuse. His goal is for listeners "peer through his catchy melodies and sarcastic satire to see the music for what it is: an attack against 21st century American culture". Pornotopia centers on a hyper-sexualized, pornographic society in need of "old-fashioned reform". This society "presents a dystopian, sex-crazed, Gotham-like slum embroiled in a proverbial gender war for control over one another". Overall, this album is full of electro-pop with Doo-Wop and Motown undertones to create a unique sound for Mad Mr. Martin, as Ellis calls himself. The beats on each track reflects his message. If you like Janelle Monae, check Ellis Martin out.


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