Ravyn Lenae Personifies Planets In "Mr. Sun"

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You set my heart on fire, baby.

Ravyn Lenae is singer and songwriter from Chicago, IL. Some musical influences include Erykah Badu, Outkast, India.Arie and Sade. She does not fit one category as an artist. But her sound has been referred to as being"feel-good" music."Mr. Sun" was produced Monte Booker and Eloki on bass. It centers on a young girl personifying the Sun.  Ravyn's vocals are comforting over the exuberant beat. There is an addition of adolescence as children sing towards the end. During my first listen, it was soulfully nostalgic and became more lively as the track proceeded. There is a nature aspect with the hints of running water and cricketing. This is perfect for strolling the streets during a cloudy or windy day.Ravyn recently released her debut EP, Moon Shoes, which can be found here.


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