Sabrina Claudio Entices Listeners Via 'Confidently Lost'

[embed][/embed]Miami singer/songwriter Sabrina Claudio has been creating a name for herself over the past few years. Like many, she began by posting covers of Willow, Emily King, Beyonce and more on Youtube. Over time, her gripping renditions culminated attention and popularity. Claudio remains very low-key and lets the music speak for itself.In the last few weeks, she released 'Confidently Lost', a heavily anticipated project impressing large masses. The Floridian songstress begins her 6 track debut EP from a striking perspective.Confidently Lost attempts to challenge narratives surrounding chance, mixed feelings and timing."Too Much Too Late" drops Claudio in a questionable stance for pursuit. "Tell Me" reflects her patience to understand a troublesome position via rattling harmonies, electrified guitar solos and deep drums.Listeners ponder similar questions found throughout "Runnin' Thru Lovers". By "Confidently Lost", Sabrina sensually admits her comfort in the unknown. Production is minimal, fostering a profound emotional connection.Later, "Orion's Belt" incorporates lucid lyrics over angelic murmurs. CL ends with "I Don't", a gut-wrenching ending. Her vocals become soft while expressing uncertainty in continuing routines.It's very easy to get lost in her soothing vocals. These lyrics are honest and relatable; each track displays nostalgic past-times of flings and fights. You might find yourself living vicariously through her vacillating viewpoints.Ultimately, Confidently Lost demonstrates creative growth and vocal versatility.Sabrina reassures that sometimes it's okay to be disoriented in conflict and other situations.But the real question is: When is she going to tour?


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