Tempest Echoes Emotional Tipping Points in "Sorry To Say"

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Long Beach continues to be a hotbed for rising R&B talent. 25-year-old singer-songwriter-producer Tempest (Tatiyana Bello) continues to refine her sound built on addictive hooks, sincere lyrics and transparently tender vocals. Bello collaborated with production trio Louie Lastic, Los Hendrix and Jay James  for an eerie yet gloomy production.

She tells a narrative of torn partnership and decisive desires based on a true story. Throughout the track, Tempest can be found wistfully singing lyrics: You were everything I wanted, till I got everything I wanted from you". "Sorry to Say" reminds us that love can be blindsiding and unforgiving.

In the Lakewood Mall directed video, Tempest is captured in the catch 22 of euphoria and heartache. The split-screen approach allows viewers to identify their familiar realities: being the bearer of bad news or unfortunate receiver.

One thing is certain, Tempest has been a budding musical starlet. Check out her electrifying-jazzy performance of "Sorry to Say" with the Ghetto Kids courtesy of Village Music Group below. I recommend you also listen to "Young Playa Footage" and "Don't Say My Name" on Soundcloud.

Follow Tempest on Twitter and Instagram.


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