Trip Carter Seeks Euphoria in "Vertical"

In the midst of hard weeks at work, the weekend turn up is necessary.[soundcloud url="" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]Trip Carter is 21 year-old artist, bassist, and songwriter from Los Angeles, CA. He's been playing bass since 10, which ultimately led to securing a USC music scholarship. While at USC, the jazz major performed as a freelance bassist gigs as a side hustle and refined his rapping-songwriting abilities. In post-grad, Trip thrived as a church bassist by day and producing his artistic sound and image during late studio nights"Vertical"(produced by Blue Rondo) is the first official solo release of many. The multifaceted emcee and self-defined stoop kid spits a lucid flow expressing a deep yearning for fun and while surviving in a cutthroat cosmopolitan cityTrip's livening hook shows that he's the life of the party: going all or nothing, often seeking euphoria. Lush synths, and strings and thumping drums integrate together for a moderately effortless turn upGet loose and have fun while listening to this on the way to your next party. 


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