A.J. Crew Utilizes Ambiguity For "The Word"

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Living everyday like a hustle. F*ck you, I'm taking a smoke break.

A.J. Crew is a producer and rapper from Toledo, Ohio. After being diagnosed with Sickle Cell, he dove into Hip-Hop. While attending Columbia College Chicago, Crew collaborated with Grammy Award winning songwriter Rhymefest. The thriving Midwest rapper moved from Ohio to Chicago, and now LA. An upcoming project entitled Excuses is in the works. The release date is to be determined. He gives us a glimpse of Excuses via "The Word" produced by Tone808s. It offers a sincere take on Hip-hop through detailed storytelling. A.J. is brutally honest with his fans and listeners. This beat incorporates looped moving vocals, which won me over at first. During the first listen I was reminded me of J. Cole's "Serenade" for some odd reason? Anyways, the Ohio rapper does not specify this "word". Which has caused me to listen to this song almost every day; attempting to dissect its lyrics. I really want to know what this word is and what it means.Maybe, we will never know.


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