Ayo The Producer Refaces Elhae's " Love A N***a" (Ayo & Keyz Remix)

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Hurry up babe, andale, andale.

Austin Owens aka Ayo is a 26-year-old Grammy-nominated producer from Orlando, Florida. He has been producing since high school. He developed his talents at 4-years old by playing drums and later picked up the saxophone as a teen. Owens is the man behind Lil Wayne’s John (If I Die Today) and  Drake’sDo It All”. His star-studded resume includes collaborating with Rick Ross, DiddyJennifer Hudson and more. Complex even dubbed him as one of the "Top 15 Producers To Watch Out For".Austin also hosts UStream production sessions.  Outside of music, he has a non-profit (Love of Music Charity) and is a brand ambassador for Luc Belaire.Ayo recently teamed up with Keyz to flip Elhae's LAN (Love A Ni**a) [produced by Rascal]. The original track which was released a month ago. He adds a more cozy feeling to supplement the Atlanta crooner's steamy vocals and Rascal's bells. Elhae's vocals are lowered while co-existing voices are chopped. I am done spoiling this remix. Be ready to hear more of the sounds from Ayo and his production team, The Upper Classmen!Check out the original below. Which do you like better?[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/211700709" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height='450' iframe="true" /]


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