Empty Words Highlight Eddie Gomez's"You Lie So Well"

[embed]https://soundcloud.com/eddie-gomez/you-lie-so-well-1[/embed]Do not trust empty words in the moment.That is the message of emerging soul singer/songwriter and producer Eddie Gomez.The independent Latino musician combines simple love ballads with contemporary elements of rock and blues to create a distinct mainstream sound. Some respectable accolades include performing at the Roxy and Staples to acquiring features on ABC, VH1 and Apple's watch campaign."You Lie So Well" is a single from his second EP Retro-fitted, a project released almost a year ago. Clear distressed vocals combined with retro-soul qualities work in unison to encapsulate the beautiful struggle of a forever love. He regretfully highlights the power of words by wailing:

Now I'm walking on the shattered glass
left from all your broken promises,
even though your words are paper thin
I believe it when you say "forever".

You might have some unwarranted heartache from these relatable yet sincere lyrics. But it might be a perfect song to get over a lingering breakup or messy situation.All in all, the crooning Portland native thrives off simple production styles to catapult and take listeners on nostalgic journeys. He is willing to explore the unwanted memories that individuals wish to erase. Through all of this, Gomez shapes a healing sound similar to Andra Day.Look out for Eddie's upcoming single later this year. His Retro-Fitted project can be streamed here. "You Lie So Well" is available for purchase on iTunes.Check out his "Monsters" music video below:[embed] [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-NMJBS_Ac4&w=560&h=315] [embed]


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