Honoring Women of Music: The 2016 She Rocks Awards

Good food. Good music. Great people.The fourth annual 2016 She Rocks Awards focuses on empowering and inspiring women to pursue music. As a part of the National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) Show, it also seeks to honor women for their contributions to the music industry. This year's hosts included WiMN founder and SRA creator Laura Whitmore and acclaimed guitarist Nita Strauss. A live band of energetic and enthusiastic women kept the packed crowd on their feet.

Women need to be strong in the music. There is a wealth of icons to draw from.- Amy Heidemann of Karmin, The "Mad Skills" Award recipient.

Some award recipients included Sujata Murthy, 10 time Grammy winner Chaka Khan, Chalise Zolezzi, Amy Heidmann and more. Each women's speech included a background of their beginnings in the industry and words of inspiration, encouragement and affirmation. These women were determined to change the male-dominated industry, while established spaces for community and safety at their music stores and camps.

It's about who you surround yourself with.- Crystal Morris, President and Co-Founder of Gator Cases, The "Enterprise" Award winner.

After receiving accolades, some recipients showcased their amazing talents. This included legendary guitarist Jennifer Batten, YouTube sensation duo Karmin and eclectic rock-folk band Raining Jane. All in all, the show was a motivating experience. New albums are expected this year from Karmin and Chaka. Be on the lookout for those.

I set my sights on what I wanted to do and what I wanted to be. I never looked at the way things were, but set out to do things the way they should be done.- Sujata Murthy, Senior Vice President of Public Relations for Universal Music Enterprises,  The "Vision" Award recipient.


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