Jay James' "Situations" Is Pure Relaxation

Situations will arise...I came across this song while browsing on Tumblr. This track is pure relaxation because of the perfect mesh of saxophone with ambience. Jay James' Situations is an R&B flip on Childish Gambino's  U Don't Have to Call from STN MTN/Kauai Mixtape. His mixtape was released last October. Parts of Gambino's verse are chopped and screwed. James' idea for Situations emerged after listening to several trap remixes of the same song. James describes his production of the song as "Situations giving U Don't Have to Call  more of an R&B depth by using various ambience pitches and the saxophone to create an ethereal, jazzy deepness". He named the track Situations after being in a "sticky situation" and used it to connect with others. The cover art was done by Jevaughn Gray (graytart.weebly.com & @jGrxy).Who is Jay James?James is a producer that can be found on Soundcloud. He is a 17 year old student from Murrieta, California and has been making beats since 8th grade. Jay decided to try out his knowledge of multiple instruments ( the guitar, piano, drums to name a few.) that he has picked up over the years by producing music. He describes the experience learning instruments being relative to a book, since music comes easy to him. Eventually, he aspires to become a star beat maker like Boi-1da, 40 and Timbaland while also being able to impact and inspire like Stevie Wonder, Quincy Jones and Miles Davis.  Situations is one of the four tracks uploaded on his page. It has over eleven thousand plays in two weeks. Unfortunately, it has not been made available for download, but Jay James is appreciative of all the love the track has received in the last weeks and is hyped for the next few uploads he has lined up.Take a listen to Situations:[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/204453292" params="auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height="450" iframe="true" /]What do you think?


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