RYAN R.E.D.D Exposes Fake People In "Blurred Charades"

" I can tell, I can tell, You can tell we gettin' money.."Blurred Charades is an ode to listeners who can relate to knowing fake or two-faced people. LXRD CHAPO produced this song. Chapo is a music producing phenomenon on Youtube. The beat was a original that Ryan had found. He wrote up some lyrics and recorded it a week later. After, Chapo heard it, Blurred Charades received his stamp of approval.Ryan R.E.D.D. (Real Every Damn Day) is a music producer and songwriter born in Queens, NY, raised in Brooklyn. He moved to Los Angeles at the age of twelve and has always loved music. His father plays multiple instruments, while his grandmother and aunts were in a famous gospel group; clearly music is in his blood. By participating in choir and playing drums, Ryan learned song structure and later became involved in music production. Since 13, he first produced on Logic 7 for his middle school rap group -- dropping 8+ mixtape on the internet as E.R.O.C, now known as Ryan R.E.D.D.Recently, Ryan has focused on producing for artists and creating a free album. This album will contain all self-produced songs. He plans on releasing this work by the end of this year or early 2016.[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/180739432" params="amp;auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true" width="100%" height='450' iframe="true" /]


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