Jonathan Emile Makes One For "The City That Always Sleeps"

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Where you from? Where you from? The city that always sleeps.

Jonathan Emile is a Montreal-based multi-talented artist and speaker. He's attracted lots of attention with his single "Heaven Help Dem" featuring Kendrick Lamar. For most of 2015, Jonathan has been in the studio wrapping up his debut album The Lover/Fighter Document LP."The City That Always Sleeps" self-produced by Jonathan and features Tek Luciano and Natasha Marie. It is dedicated to Montreal's "infamous lackluster support of their native talent". Jonathan's soulful beat and the lyrics creates a contradiction and dichotomy. Tek's delivery is energetic and hopeful, while Natasha adds a vigorous set of bars. Emile brings a sincere hook; but do not underestimate Jonathan's ability to incorporate conscious wordplay into his verses.The Lover/Fighter Document LP is set for release on September 9th.  Guest appearances include Buckshot, Murs, KRS-One and of course, Mr. Lamar, with production courtesy of Aphyliated, Lo-Go and Jonathan Emile.


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