Yohannes Demands To Be Taken Seriously "Maury"

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I need y'all to act right.

Yohannes is an artist from Grand Rapids, MI. He just released his Hanne EP, which features a popular song, "JohnPopiNThugger". He's been all over the place but spends most of his time in Richmond, VA with producer Ron Oilers, the beat maker behind "Maury" and Feeve Coppage -- the artist of this cover.

I really wanted something that gave me the platform to vent and express my frustrations at the time. Especially with my next project "Yellow Janea" dropping September 1st. I really wanted people to experience a feeling from me, naturally. And out came "Maury". We're really looking to push the envelope of rappers and with more new content to be released, people are going to see, hear, and feel that. It's gonna be exciting.Yohannes describing how he came up with "Maury".

"Maury" initially has a slow buildup to it. This song voices many of the issues that comes with artists deciding to pursue music; he wants to be taken serious. Yohannes usually sounds darker, sometimes similar to The Weeknd in his music. But this track allows him to be seen in a different light. The chopped and screwed evil voice towards the closing, adds a bit more aggression to his sound. I found this track to be a bit relatable in some aspects.Go cop his debut Somber


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